#Run routes 

are subject last minute changes for various reasons including, conditions taking into account Rachel's ankle injury sustained on day3, invites to visit additional venues etc.

For latest updates and news go to Rachel's Facebook page 'Here'

Update as of Day 20

Despite the ankle injury which still on going although very slightly improving.

Miles covered 516.40 including a full marathon on a rowing machine at

SPFit Sherborne giving a daily average of 25.82 mls

Update Day 30

Total Mileage: 828.90mls - Giving a daily average of 27.63mls

Update Day 46 the Final Day

The final day finished at The Bandstand in Pageant Gardens Sherborne where   Rachel had a great reception on arrival thanks to Sherborne Market organisers.

Total miles covered: 1232.44 giving an overall daily average of 26.80.

Funds raised at this point: £13308

Donations options will remain available until end of June 2023

So it's not to late to support.

Update 4th July 2023

In total from all fund raising sources £16026.02 was raised.

​This will be shared equally between Rotary Foundation and Hidden Needs Trust.

Charity Number 1187246