Work Experience
Wanting work experience for your young person with additional needs but stuck to find an organization/business locally who can offer a week/2 weeks/a month?
Speak to Rachel Goodfellow on the Hidden Needs Trust Stand (Sherborne Market, Pageant Gardens), Sherborne Digby Hall Market) as she has had young people for work experience since the end of lockdown with her charity Hidden Needs Trust!
The work experience will be:
Helping Rachel with sourcing donations for the charity.
Helping to sort donations and then visit families with items, sometimes car loads!
Helping families as deemed appropriate, such as clearing their gardens or moving of furniture.
Helping to design posters for the website and social media.
Helping to plan fundraising events.
And much more…the charity is ever evolving and so being flexible and acting on new initiatives is an important aspect of the work.
Your young person will not only have great fun but also:
Receive a fully detailed account of what they have been doing ready for their CV, signed and dated and certificates of completion.
Will be encouraged to develop social skills, embedded with English and Mathematics in practical forms, develop life skills, and be physically active away from gadgets!!!
Plus, be able to work with other agencies and charitable organisations that Hidden Needs Trust supports.
In addition, be able to be active within the local community, meeting people from all walks of life, therefore learning about what is required in the community to ensure families and individuals are supported.
Mobile: 07516 288571
PARTIES …Birthday/Christmas/Other
Do you have a young person under the age of 25 with additional needs?
Would you like a bespoke party for them but are stuck for cheap/free ideas?
Then why not speak to Rachel Goodfellow on the Hidden Needs Trust stand (Sherborne Market, Pageant Gardens or Sherborne Digby Hall Market) to discuss options that she is offering at Halfway House Farm, DT9 4PX.
Options can include:
Time with George the Goat, the 2 house bunnies, Pippin the puppy and Twinkie the cat.
Old fashioned fun and games, treasure hunt, pass the parcel and more.
A nature walk looking for deer and birds of prey. (subject to weather conditions)
And lots more to suit your child’s needs.
Parties CAN be fully inclusive of food, drinks, prizes, birthday cake, and even gifts for the birthday boy/girl. Presents can also be given to parents/carers to wrap up themselves to give.
Parties can range from just the immediate family to larger get togethers with friends and extended family.
Wanting to do your own food and games etc but stuck for a very cheap local venue to hold a party?
Why not have it at Halfway House Farm, DT9 4PX but do all the catering yourselves?
Mobile: 07516 288571
Hidden Needs Trust Talks
These can include:
Talks on the foundations of Hidden Needs Trust, its work, who benefits and the longer term plans.
Tales of Rachel Goodfellow's own experiences of SEN and how bringing up her daughter [the youngest of 5 children] impacted the family positively! How the hurdles were overcome, the highs and the lows,and the hilarious tales of “Y”, Rachel’s daughter, when younger!
Or: can be short or up to an hour in length, and can be bespoke to the needs and wishes of the audience.
For more information contact Rachel:
Mobile: 07516 288571
Hidden Needs Trusts Parties, Work Experience and Talks
Charity Number 1187246